Your Lot and Parcel Mission

Advocating the importance of preserving historic landmarks for future generations, mental health, physical well-being, and a safe family home environment.

  • When we were children, we were fascinated by the wonderment of many things around us which prompted us to ask relentless questions such as why, why, and why. Now that we are adults, many of us tend to be reticent about asking what we want to know. Therefore, our podcast (Your Lot and Parcel) is designed to encourage questions if not already answered regarding anything and everything related to the real estate industry and, a wide range of subjects regarding a family’s lot in life of ups and downs, which is a part and parcel of what makes this world turn on its axis.

    I feel morally obligated to share my empirical experience in the real estate industry not to mention the experience of other professionals by means of interviews. I came into the business as a Real Estate Broker at the latter part of Jimmy Carter’s presidency when inflation had reached “crisis stage”; both inflation and short-term interest rates reached 18% during 1980.

    Ever since it has been a wild ride, however, currently I am a member of the National Association of Mortgage Underwriters (NAMU). In short, I have seen it all and interested in helping the consumer to avoid the pitfalls of purchasing or selling a little piece of this God given earth. As a child I did not enjoy falling and skinning my knees, so my intent with the show is to help anyone to prevent a knee scathing from a real estate financial standpoint, and to mitigate the challenges of the inextricable connection of family and home.

  • Your Lot and Parcel is a Nonprofit 501(c)(3) Public Charitable Organization

    Donations are tax-deductible. Federal

    EIN 86-3947548



Music provided by Echo Fox Tone.

— Echo Fox Tone

Production provided by Isaac Diaz

— Isaac Diaz